As a corporate company, if you are planning to give your guests and employees delicious food, we pride ourselves in providing comprehensive cafeteria management in Pune, that includes everything, from food preparation and service to housekeeping and facility management.

One of the Best Catering Service in Pune

Corporate Events catering is unlike a private function catering. Nowadays, companies are working overtime to tighter budgets and shorter lead times. For example, we have repeatedly been asked to cater for as many as 300 people with only four or five days notice. But this is all a day’s work for Govinda’s Caterers. Govinda’s Caterers provides full-service custom catering for a wide variety of Events & Functions for corporate, individual and university-related events, hospitality events, business lunch & dinners & product launch. We make sure the budget suits the client’s budget simultaneously making it sure there is no compromise in the quality & number of items offered.

We have the most spectacular catering, impeccable service, & brilliant staff which will ensure your business event has the right impression you want to deliver. With our Corporate catering service, Govinda’s Caterers regularly look to exceed clients expectations and craft the finest food and a highly professional business event, whatever the location, whatever the timescale. We respond to the tightest of corporate deadlines with the perfect mixture of hygienic food, delicious delicacies, uniformed & well-behaved staff at affordable rates.


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